Block Router

The block router is what manages the passing of signals from block to block. nio comes packaged with a variety of block routers and each is configurable to control behavior.


Configuration of block routers is set in the block_router.cfg file in the project’s etc/ directory.

  • clone_signals: False
  • If clone_signals is True, then the block router will perform a deepcopy on the signals whenever they are split and passed to more than one block.
  • max_workers: 50
  • When using ThreadedPoolExecutorRouter, this is the max number of workers.

Block Router Types

Each nio project can specify a default block router in nio.conf by setting block_router.

In addition to specifying the block router for the project, each service can use its own block router by setting block_router on the service configuration.


Default block router.



Threaded block router.



Threaded block router that makes used of thread pools (
