Block Testing

Nio blocks are not meant to be run as standalone Python modules, so testing them can be a subtle and error prone process. We provide a couple of tools and best practices to make this a bit easier.


We recommend that you use the NIOBlockTestCase when building your tests. It extends unittest.TestCase, and ties into all the same infrastructure you’re accustomed to using with the base class. However, NIOBlockTestCase also provides a number of helpful methods for testing blocks. Here’s a real-world example straight from our internal block repositories:

from import NIOBlockTestCase
from nio.common.signal.base import Signal
from ..your_block import YourBlock

class TestYourBlock(NIOBlockTestCase):

     def test_some_feature(self, mock_get):
         blk = YourBlock()
         self.configure_block(blk, {
             'int_prop': 23,
             'obj_prop': {
                 'p1': 'foo',
                 'p2': 'bar'


Just like unittest.TestCase, we support the setUp/tearDown pattern. This is a great place to do any initialization and/or cleanup that will be required across every test. Don’t Repeat Yourself! Be aware, though, that we do some crucial initialization and finalization in NIOBlockTestCase.setUp/tearDown. If you override either of these methods, make sure you call the method in the parent class at the top of your method.

Helper Methods

  • configure_block(block, block_properties) - The process of configuring and initializing blocks manually is somewhat nuanced (and not something we want you to worry about), so we provide this method to configure your block instance semi-automatically. Just pass the block object itself and a dictionary containing any block properties you want to configure (and associated values).
  • assert_num_signals_notified(num, block=None) - This method provides access to the total number of signals notified over the course of the current test. If block is not None, then you’ll get the number of signals notified by that block over its lifetime.

Overridable Methods

  • get_test_modules() - By default, NIOBlockTestCase automatically initializes the logging, threading, scheduler, and security modules. However, you can customize this by overriding this method and returning a list of strings corresponding to the particular modules you want to initialize. Your options are as follows: * logging * threading * scheduler * security * communication * persistence * web
  • signals_notified(signals, output_id) - This method gets called every time signals are notified in your tests. If you’d like to record something in the test case, trigger an event, or perform some aggregation when that happens, override this method. One common use it to add self.signals = defaultdict(list) to setUp and:
def signals_notified(self, signals, output_id):


This is more a practice than a feature. Blocks are not required to behave synchronously, and sometimes you might want to wait for an event (after instantiating or configuring a block) before proceeding with the tests. Rather than sleeping for a prescribed amount of time (asynchronous processes can be fickle and unpredictable from machine to machine), we recommend extending the block you’re testing and adding one of Python’s Event objects to signify readiness. Here’s an example:

class EventBlock(YourBlock):
    def __init__(self, event):
        self.e = event

    def configure(self, context):

Now, instead of instantiating YourBlock in your tests, you should instantiate EventBlock, passing an instance of Event to its constructor. Check this out:

e = Event()
blk = EventBlock(e)
    self.configure_block(blk, {'p1': 23})

This way, your test will wait until the meat of YourBlock.configure has returned control to the method on the child class. Your test will never proceed until EventBlock.e is set.


Patching and mocking are extremely useful concepts in software verification; this is especially relevant when the modules in question interact with external resources (e.g API’s, OS services, etc.). We won’t go too much into the details of mocking right now, but the [Python documentation]( contains a ton of great material on the subject. We recommend that you use these concepts liberally; in fact, we expect that, in many cases, you won’t have much choice.

As you progress, one thing you might notice is that unittest.mock.patch doesn’t play nice with relative module paths. This can be a pain when you want to patch a method at the class or module level. One solution is to import the object directly and use unittest.mock.patch.object:

from unittest.mock import patch, ANY
from ..queue_block import Queue

@patch.object(Queue, '_load')
def test_it(self, load_patch):

Again, you don’t necessarily have to construct your tests in this way; however, we’ve found this practice to be more convenient and less prone to user error than others, so we thought we’d pass it along to you.

Mocking Persistence Module

To mock load:

class TestPersistenceBlock(NIOBlockTestCase):

    def test_persist_load(self):
        blk = Block()
        with path('nio.modules.persistence.default.Persistence.load') as load:
            load.return_value = 'i was persisted'
            self.configure_block(blk, {})

To mock store and save:

from unittest.mock import  MagicMock

class TestPersistenceBlock(NIOBlockTestCase):

    def test_persist_save(self):
         blk = Block()
         self.configure_block(blk, {}) = MagicMock() = MagicMock() Modules

NIOBlockTestCase configures the following modules by default: ['logging', 'scheduler', 'security', 'threading']. If your block test case needs to use any other modules then you need to specify that by implementing the get_test_modules method.

For example, if your test case uses persistence:

class TestBlock(NIOBlockTestCase):

    def get_test_modules(self):
        return super().get_test_modules() + ['persistence']

You can override the default configuration of modules by implementing get_module_config_*. The following example will ensure that the test case uses the default implementation of the persistence module.

class TestBlock(NIOBlockTestCase):

    def get_module_config_persistence(self):
        return {'persistence': 'default'}