Component - Management Publisher

The Management Publisher Component hooks to service_status_change and notifies a ManagementSignal to the configured Publisher topics.

It also makes the Publisher available to services and blocks. Blocks can publish ManagementSignals with self.notify_mangement_signal(signal), as well as StatusSignals that will chage that status of the block.


The management publisher topics are configurable. The Default value is: “topics”: “{“type”: “management”}”

Set confiugration by putting a management_publisher.cfg file in the project’s etc/ directory with a dictionary that sets “topics”.

{ “topics”: “{“type”: “mgmt”}” }


Subscribers to the management publisher can get the status with $ and the name of the service with $service.

Blocks that publish a ManagmentSignal or StatusSignal will also have a status that can be retrieved through $, along with a $msg. As a standard block developers should put the notifing block’s name in $name and set $source to “Block”. The [RESTPolling block]( is an example of that.