NIO log level component API

Logger names retrieval

Logs can be retrieved through a GET call at the core or service level

  1. core level

    uri: http://[ip address]:[port]/log

  2. service level

    uri: http://[ip address]:[port]/log/service/[Service Name]

Changing log level

Log level can be changed through a POST or PUT call at the core or service level. Make a request to the corresponding URI with a PUT/POST Body formatted like this:

  "log_level": [New Log level],
  "logger_name": [Logger name]


PUT http://[ip address]:[port]/log/service/[Service Name]
  "log_level": "DEBUG",
  "logger_name": "Custom Scheduler"

Note: For core and service level changes, if ‘logger_name’ parameter is missing in the body, the level is changed across whole process